Made with Love

As we wait in anticipation for the big move to Brazil, I obviously have a lot on my mind.  People ask me about being scared of the spiders and snakes and crime…not so much..maybe a little, but I am mostly wondering what am I going to cook!?!

Seriously, let me share something with you. I am not a good cook. Not even an okay cook. Jason was a firefighter when we married and I thought, “yay me he cooks!”  I hate to cook, and I am not sure if I hate to cook because I am no good at it, or I am no good at it because I hate to cook. Hmmm.

I had high hopes of mastering certain foods and lovingly preparing melt in your mouth meals for my family, but at 37 years-old I am over it.  I had someone tell me once we should eat to live, not live to eat. I won’t lie. I grabbed a tight hold onto that motto and used it to justify my lack of interest in culinary affairs. Still do!  But, let’s face it we have to eat, and someone has to cook.

Back to my dilemma. Are you following me? I am not a good cook. If I am not a good cook here in the United States where I can read labels and am somewhat familiar with the produce section of the local grocery store, pray tell, what will I do in Brazil?  So, this has been on my mind. Are you catching a pattern here? What to do? I suppose I will do there exactly what I have been doing here. Make it with love.

Last week as my 9 year-old served up her fried eggs, she declared them to be “made with love.”  This is a very familiar saying in our home.  You see, even though I am not a chef per say, I want my family to know that I do want to feed them well.  I always thank them for sharing the meal with me, and often tell them as I pass food around the table, or out at snack time, that it was “made with love.” Sometimes it is a big joke because something was burnt or raw….but it was made with love!!  Hahaha!

Today as I was having to do laundry at the laundry mat on a beautiful sunshiny day (which is a whole different story) I was pondering on the verse Colossians 3:23 23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (NIV) 

I realized that my cooking is an example of doing something (even if you hate to do it) as if I am working for the Lord. I do have areas to grow and learn in, but I am a Proverbs 31 women who provides food for her family!!  Even in another country I will work at it with all my heart, and it will be made with love.

What is your “hate to do, but do anyway with love” thing?

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